The Name
01 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
June 2, 2024
What comes to mind when you think about God? Thankfully, God answered that question for us. In Exodus 34:6-7, he told us who he is. And rather than beginning with qualities and characteristics, God began with his name. That’s right… God has a name. And it isn’t “God.” His name is Yahweh. And his name tells us a lot about him.
Compassionate & Gracious
02 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
June 9, 2024
In the Hebrew scriptures, order matters. Generally, whatever is listed first is the most important. So, when Yahweh described himself to the Israelites, the first thing he mentioned was compassionate and gracious.
Slow To Anger
03 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
June 16, 2024
When God was ready to reveal himself to the Israelites, he wanted them to understand his character. And one of the most important aspects of Yahweh’s character is that he has a really long nose. Not literally. He actually said he is erek apayim – slow to anger. But literally it means long of nostrils. Think about it… When you’re slow to anger and you’re tempted to be angry, you breathe deeply in through your nose. You’re long of nostrils. You’re slow to anger. Here’s the big idea – You can make God mad, but you have to really work at it. So if Yahweh is slow to anger, we should be slow to anger.
Abounding In Love & Faithfulness
04 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
June 23, 2024
Genesis 15 is this powerfully weird story where we learn about an ancient blood-path covenant that God invited Abram to enter. But God didn’t allow Abram or his descendants to suffer the consequences of breaking the covenant. In fact, God in essence told Abram, “Even when you break covenant with me, I won’t break covenant with you. I will never abandon you.”. Because Yahweh is abounding in love and faithfulness. Exodus 34:6-7 gives us two powerful Hebrew words that are translated “love” and “faithfulness.” Each word is rich in meaning. And Jesus, when he entered the world, fulfilled both.
Judging The Guilty
05 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
July 7, 2024
In this message we find ourselves dealing with a part of God’s character that is challenging – His Justice. You’ll see two things: 1. Forgiveness flows from Yahweh’s character. 2. Yahweh is forgiving, but sin is not.
A Jealous God
06 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
July 14, 2024
Yahweh is jealous. What feelings, thoughts or images does that statement evoke for you? For some, the idea of a jealous God is difficult because we bring our own ideas of what we think jealousy is to the Bible. But when God says he is jealous, it doesn’t mean that he is afraid or threatened, like our feelings of jealousy. It means he is protective of his relationship with us. He is passionate about his covenant with us. And he is inviting us into greater life and deeper relationship with Him.
Carry The Name
07 / YHWH Series
by Eric Gray
July 21, 2024
In another important Old Testament text, Yahweh talked about his name, and the importance of revering his name. Maybe you’ve heard about the command to not use God’s name in vain. There’s a lot more to that command than you may have realized. Here’s what we will see: To carry God’s name in vain isn’t just about what comes out of your mouth, but more so what comes out of your life.