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We are so excited that you’re interested in learning more about baptism. In the videos below, our preaching minister Eric Gray unpacks the different ways that baptism beautifully illustrates what it means to walk in fullness of life with Christ. The old has gone, the new has come!



We are a church that believes in the importance of baptism. In Acts 16 there is a story of a man who is a jailer that learned about Jesus in the most unique circumstances. It is a lesson that baptism is how we accept God's rescue.


In Romans 6, Paul was reminding the Roman church of their baptism and how in it they died to sin and were raised to life.


Baptism becomes this marker in our life that divides who we were before Christ and who we are in Christ.


Baptism is spiritual warfare. It is a pledge of allegiance and oath of loyalty to serve King Jesus instead of the kingdom of Satan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should be baptized?

Everyone who is willing to repent of their sins and confess their belief in Christ should be baptized (Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38-39).

Why should I be baptized?

A person should be baptized to follow the example of Christ (Matthew 3:13-17), to obey Christ’s command (Matthew 28:18), to accept forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16), to receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), to express trust in Christ (Acts 8:12-13), and to testify to God’s work in his or her life (Romans 6:1-8; Galatians 3:27). The only method by which the human soul can be wiped clean of sin is through the blood of Christ (Hebrews 9:27-10:7), and this “washing away” of sin is most clearly symbolized in the act of baptism (Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21).

How & when should I be baptized?

The word for “baptism” in the New Testament is the Greek word baptizo, which means “to immerse in water.” The New Testament says baptism represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Romans 6:1-5). Baptism serves as a symbol of the burial of the old self and the resurrection of the believer’s soul to walk in life with Christ. Therefore, we baptize people by immersing them in water. If you have been sprinkled, we would love to talk to you about why immersion is important.


A person should be baptized at the time he or she trusts in Christ. The book of Acts in the New Testament is a history of the early church. Each story of someone or a group of people becoming followers of Jesus records them being baptized immediately or that same day. Because baptism is not just a symbol of faith, it is the means by which an individual is united with Christ and becomes a benchmark of transformation, marking the time and place a person made a commitment to Christ (Romans 6:1-8). Therefore, we ask a person to be baptized at the point that he or she is ready to make a commitment to Christ.

Have more questions?
We'd love to talk with you!

Please reach out to one of our ministers or elders. We would be thrilled to have a conversation with you about your decision to get baptized.

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